As part of this we will implement the Plan for Growth measures on highly skilled migrant workers. Our reforms will ensure that UK businesses have access to talent from across the world so that we can ‘Build Back Better’ from the Covid-19 pandemic and support the national economic recovery. We intend to be global leaders in providing a streamlined and seamless customer experience, whilst ensuring the security of the UK. This system will help ensure people who come to the UK comply with the terms of their leave. We will deliver a fully end-to-end digital customer experience for people from the way they apply online, how they prove their identity, how they provide evidence that they meet the relevant criteria, to how they receive and use proof of their status to cross the border and demonstrate any entitlements in the UK. Over the next 4 years, we will implement transformational change for everyone who interacts with the immigration system and crosses the border. We are introducing bespoke routes to enable more students, scientists, academics, investors and entrepreneurs to come to the UK and contribute to our economic growth. We will build on the foundations of this early success to deliver an ambitious vision for Global Britain.

It marked the beginning of a wider multi-year programme of change, led by the Home Office, to radically transform the operation of our border and immigration system. This was a significant milestone that delivered on a key HM Government commitment to the public to take back control of our borders and put in place an immigration system that works in the national interest. The UK’s new global points-based immigration system is now in place.

On 31 December 2020, freedom of movement between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) ended.